Benefits of Hiring Our Claims Adjuster

Insurance Claims Public Adjusters

Benefits of Hiring Our Claims Adjuster

Our adjusters basically do the same job as an insurance adjuster. The difference is that we are hired by you, the policyholder, instead of the insurance company. As your public adjuster, we will help you though all parts of disputing a claim when you are dissatisfied with your home insurer’s settlement offer. We work on your behalf to get a better settlement when you file an insurance claim. We work for you and advocate on your behalf for a better settlement or as an advisor.

Here are examples of how we look for ways to get you the best settlement possible:

  • Policy talk : We will help you delve into your policy to find what is and is not covered. We help you to understand the fine print of your policy. This is the first step towards getting a good settlement.
  • Property inspection : We can spot the flaws, subtle damages, and other problems that you might miss. We can help you prepare a comprehensive damage report to get the most out of your claim dispute.
  • Liaison : There are a lot of back and forth talks that occur during a claims dispute. This can be quite time consuming. We understand the insurance dispute process and will deal with your insurance so you can focus on other things that need to get done.
  • Estimate : We can get you informed repair estimates necessary to your dispute.
  • Negotiate : Negotiation is probably the most stressful part of the claim dispute process. We know how to fight for a good offer and will mediate with your insurer. This alleviates your stress during this troublesome time in your life.
  • Documentation : Insurance claim disputes involve receipts, repair estimates, dwelling scopes of loss, and damage reports. That is a fraction of the paperwork that needs to be dealt with. We, as your public insurance adjuster, will handle that mountain of paperwork, so you don’t have to.

Pembroke Pines Claims Adjuster Benefits | Benefits of Using a Insurance Claims Adjuster in Pembroke Pines