Damage Caused by Fallen Objects Claims

Damage Caused by Fallen Objects Claims
Let Us Settle Your Damage Caused by Fallen Objects Claim

After living through a strong, frightening storm, you were probably worried if the violently shaking trees were going to come crashing through your home’s roof or windows. There fears were not unfounded! The branches of trees, and sometimes the tree trunks themselves, smash through roofs every storm season. Even if no one is injured as the result of tree limb damage (which can happen as a result of high winds, a strong storm, or even the weakness and instability of an old tree), the result can still be extremely expensive for a someone who doesn't have the proper insurance. Even someone with a good insurance policy can still have a large bill due to tree limb damage or other falling object damage. This happens because the process of filing a falling object claim with your insurance company is very complicated.

Your insurance company's adjuster, will be looking for any possible cause of negligence on your part that may have contributed to the falling tree. If they decide that you could have taken preemptive action to prevent the tree from falling, your claim may very well be denied. If a neighbor’s tree damages your home or vice-versa, the situation is even stickier. In most cases, you shouldn’t be held responsible for the damage a tree on your property does to someone else’s home, unless some negligence on your part can be proved.

If you're currently dealing with any of these situations, working with an certified public adjuster, like Easy Claims  will almost certainly be the quickest route to getting the situation resolved. After all, your insurance company works with professional adjusters who are specifically hired to protect their financial interests. By hiring your own adjuster, you're doing the very same thing.

Contact Us Today At (786) 877-4500 To Get The Settlement You Deserve On Your Damage Caused by Fallen Objects Claim.



Damage Caused By Fallen Object Pembroke Pines | Roof Damage Claims Adjuster Pembroke Pines